
Home for the Summer

I know school is still in session for some kids but my daughter is home for the summer and I am extremely happy. She is going to be taking some online courses to get some extra credits along with working. I am going to try to spend as much time with her as I can. She will be leaving soon to go on campus for a leadership training but that’s only for a few days which is fine. In the meantime I just love having her around although she pretty much stays in her room and study. I am trying to find so many things that we can do before August when she has to go back on campus. I just love her so much. I feel that I learned a little more about Niyah and her trying to become independent which feels really good. I know I can be a over protective mom at times but with everything that is happening in the world I just want to try and keep Niyah as safe as possible. I am hoping to share some up coming events and outings that we will have in the near future. Until then, stay well and stay safe.