
Happy New Year

The new year has started and I can’t believe January is almost over. I just took Niyah back to school on Sunday and I miss her already. I truly believe that my daughter is my best friend. Not in a weird non-parent way but we are just so close. I complain to her about things while trying to teach her at the same time about why I am complaining so she knows it’s a reason for my complaint. I don’t complain just because I want to. Typically, I try not to complain but if something really gets under my skin, then I will. I think Niyah tells me a lot of stuff that most kids won’t tell their parents unless they feel close to them. I don’t need to know her business but if she wants to share, I will listen. The main thing that is a must with us is that she needs to communicate with me if she is going out and where she will be. Just in case of an emergency I need to know where my baby is. Yes, we share locations on our phones which helps but sometimes the damn thing doesn’t work.

I think being in college and not knowing if she is ok is kind of nerve recking. I try not to worry, but I do say a lot of prayers. College can be a scary place for parents. There is so much happening in the world, you just hope and pray they are going to be ok and not get sucked into the worldly things they may face. Being a parent is hard as shit.